NCTM 2003:
Fathom and Science

Tim Erickson
for NCTM 2003, San Antonio
[ eeps ]
5269 Miles Avenue, Oakland, CA 94618-1044
866.341.3377 voice, 866.879.7797 fax (toll-free)

A Taste of Science:
Introduction to Data Analysis with Fathom

Grades 9-14
If approved, this will be a 90-minute hands-on computer workshop. As the title suggests, it's appropriate even if you have never used Fathom before.

Description: Data analysis gives students contexts where they can use the math they are learning. Technology helps; it lifts the burden of dull, repetitive calculations. More important, it helps students understand what is going on conceptually. We'll explore linear and nonlinear situations, and connections to science.

Participants will get a chance to do several data analysis activities where the on-line part uses Fathom dynamic statsitics software. Participants will see how data analysis tasks provide compelling contexts for math content they need to expose students to.

More information will appear at this page as we get closer to the actual presentation. Questions?

For more information about Fathom, see Key Curriculum Press.


Last updated 27 April 2002